Oct 27, 2021
Would you take $200,000 to terminate your life today? That sounds absurd and morbid! I know it does. But would you? “Time is not money!” In this episode, we'll look at the ONE thing you need to expand your business that isn't time or cash.
If you haven’t signed up to get your FREE Pawn Hat, you can still get a...
Oct 20, 2021
Going down a route that differs from the ones you've taken previously is frightening. But will you ever truly be successful if you're not willing to take a different route due on account of fear of failure? You already know the solution, but you are unwilling to take a different route because of the uncertainty it...
Oct 13, 2021
What is the cost of not doing marketing? Not doing marketing is costing you money. The longer you do nothing, the more money you are losing. Marketing costs money, but it may be much less expensive than what you are losing now if you do nothing.
If you haven’t signed up to get your FREE Pawn Hat, you can still get a...
Oct 6, 2021
My father always used to tell us, "'While you're thinking, people are doing." You have a limited amount of time. We all do. You may have an idea for a business or to contact a friend or loved one that you've been wanting to get in touch with for quite some time. You could have new marketing ideas you want to try or new...