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Feb 24, 2021

What’s up, Pawn Family! 
When times are tough and you have to leave your team, can you confidently say that they can handle the operations in your store without you? Are you intentionally equipping your team with training and systems so they know the things you do? This interview will teach entrepreneurs and...

Feb 17, 2021

As I was paying for my coffee at Starbucks one morning, the woman on the counter asked if I was working at a pawnshop. I was wearing my Pawn Leaders shirt; that's what sparked her curiosity. It was just a short encounter, but I discussed few crucial topics about marketing in this episode that started in...

Feb 10, 2021

What's up, Pawn Family! 
Leading a team during this pandemic can either make or break the confidence of your team towards your leadership. Times are tough and the last thing you want is making it harder for the people you lead. One of the aspects of leadership is creating a great culture for your team which is one of...

Feb 3, 2021

What's up, Pawn Family! 
On one of the Mastermind calls I conducted last year, one member said something profound that I had to write it down. He said, "Everybody wants everything to be fixed, but they don’t want to do the work to fix it."
Listen and be inspired today!
Let me know your takeaways from this...